Favorite Romances from Books – Happy Valentine’s Day!

Hello everyone and Happy Valentine’s day to all you lovely people! Today I’ve decided to do a Special Post on this occasion.

Before I started writing this post, I began looking for the perfect wordings that describe what Valentines Day is for me and I think the one I loved best is


I definitely would fall for a guy if he ever said that to me! Books after all have some of the most legendary romances from Romeo and Juliet to Eleanor and Park. And so on this wonderful day, I’ve decided to compile a list of my favorite couples from books.

  1. Elizabeth and Darcy

    Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
    Growing up reading Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth and Darcy were always goals for me. I’ve never been one who is out on a quest for love or anything, but what they had was amazing. Elizabeth and Darcy definitely have always been the epitome of romance.

  2. Magnus and Alec

    The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
    MALEC ❤ !!! They’re by far the most adorable couple for me and their ending is beautiful (For those of you who don’t know, they get married and adopt a warlock named Max in Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare). For all you TMI fans, do read “What to buy a Shadowhunter who has Everything” for more Malec love. They’re also pretty cute in the new series, Shadowhunters, which is one of the only reasons I’m even watching it.

  3. Percy and Annabeth


    Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan
    Seaweed Brain and Wise Girl. Together they’re an unbeatable combination. Percy and Annabeth are the kind of couple whose progress while predictable, always has you going “AWWWWW!” They got a little too mushy for me in the Heroes of Olympus series but them in the Percy Jackson series is just *love*.


  4. Peeta and Katniss

    The Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins
    Admittedly, the end these two met bummed me out a little. Mockingjay was one book that left me crying for weeks. Peeta and Katniss’ relationship, while largely one sided for a majority of the book, had you interested all the while – what with them using it in the Games and the triangle with Gale. In fact, despite indications that she’d end up with Gale, I always rooted for Peeta. However, the ending was not what I expected. I mean sure they did get married, but Peeta hating Katniss was shocking. Despite the book saying that they got married and lived together, I just don’t think Peeta would’ve ever been the same. Ah well. I guess somethings just aren’t meant to be.

  5. June and Day

    Legend by Marie Lu
    I’m yet to complete the series and find out what happens to the two of them but as far the first two  books are concerned, I’m rooting for June and Day. Although they haven’t been nearly as romantic and lovey-dovey as the pairs listed above, the circumstances surrounding their falling in love is legendary and I just hope they get the ending they deserve.

Well that’s all for today! Happy Valentines Day again and do leave the names of your favorite couples in the comments! Here’s signing off with a little Pride and Prejudice.pride-and-prejudice-quotes-darcy-letter


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