Sunshine Blogger Award

Hi everyone! Today I’m back with an Award post! I was (not-so) recently tagged for the Sunshine Blogger Award by Write Your Destiny! Thank you so much for the nomination!

Untitled design RULES

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and include the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post.

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What is your favorite mythical creature?

A Sphinx? I don’t know why, but I’ve always been fascinated by them.

Who is your closest confidant?

My mom actually. I tell her everything, small or big and it’s really awesome! The second would probably be my roommate.

Do you prefer to draw or write?

I wish I could draw but all my drawings tend to look like they’ve been made by a 3 year old. So I guess I prefer to write! That’s why I started this blog.

Share your favorite childhood memories?


Well, I switched schools a lot so I could never actually make a permanent friends group which I always hated. I never even had a best friend till I was like 14. That’s when I switched to a new school (again) and I was there for 3 whole years and I made friends with this amazing group of people. Those were my favorite years of childhood ever. We all gathered up for every birthday and played basketball everyday and I owe a lot of my life to those people. I miss them everyday.

Most of my favorite childhood memories however are with my little brother and my mom. When he was little and we wanted to keep secrets from him, my mom and I would spell things out to each other (and he couldn’t spell yet). He would get so furious! He used to believe that we’d developed a secret code to ice him out and he’d pout all day. So adorable!

What would you do if you only had one day left to live?

Spend time with my family

If you could rewrite a book which one would you choose?

Allegiant by Veronica Roth


THE WORST ENDING TO A SERIES EVER. Not only because of the ending, the whole book was terrible. It needs to be rewritten ASAP.

What is your favorite dessert?

A simple walnut brownie with a lot of chocolate ice cream.

Coffee or tea?

Coffee, preferably iced.

What is your favorite candle scent?

I don’t actually buy a lot of scented candles? We have a couple at home but my mom’s the one who selects them. I do like citrus-y smells though, so I suppose anything with Lemongrass is awesome.

If you could bring one person back to life who would it be?

I honestly don’t know.

Who is your favorite historical figure?

Well it’s more mythological than historical but ever since Percy Jackson, I’ve always been fascinated by Greek deities.

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And that’s all for today! Hope you have a great day! Until next time –

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One comment

  1. Hi I’m Oman and I loved your post. Please I’m new at blogging. Just got started yesterday @ Can you recommend any bloggers or tags for me to follow or give any tips …? I just got my first 3 followers and I feel giddy. Is it always like that?


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