The Book Addiction Tag

Hi everyone! I’m still stuck in exam season so it will be a while before I’ll be able to post any reviews, so please do bear with me. Meanwhile, I found this amazing tag that would definitely appeal to the Book Addict in you. Welcome to the Book Addiction Tag! If you think it sounds like fun, consider yourself tagged. Here we go –

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What is the longest amount of time you can comfortably go without picking up a book?

I’m a mood reader. I read whenever I want to. I can go months without reading, and then have this one month where I cannot stop reading. A great example of this would be my reading stats! I read exactly 1 book in March and then 17 in June. There’s just no logic to it.

How many books do you carry on your person (or kindle) at any one time?

I carry my Kindle everywhere and it has exactly 127 unread titles on it as of the moment. I also occasionally carry a paperback along with my Kindle.

Do you keep every book you buy/receive or are you happy to pass them on to make space for more?

KEEP. EVERY. BOOK. EVER. I buy so few paperbacks as it is so I can’t bear the thought of giving any books away.

How long would you spend in a bookshop on a standard visit?

Generally, I go to the bookshop on family outings to the mall. I sneak in when my parents aren’t paying attention and stay however long it takes them to convince me to leave. It’s never an easy task 😛

How much time per day do you actually spend reading?

On average about 3 to 4. During a reading streak it can go up to 10-12 hours and when I’m in a reading slump 0 hours.

Where does the task ‘picking up a book’ appear on your daily to-do list?

Again, I’m a mood reader so any time, anywhere.

How many books do you reckon you own in total (including e-books)?

Hundreds. Maybe 500-600?

Approximately how often do you bring up books in conversation?

Every 2 minutes? I don’y have a lot of friends who love reading and that really should be a deterrent but instead I just overcompensate. I babble on and on about some book they TOTALLY should read and get responses that range between passively interested to exasperated eye-rolls.

What is the biggest book (page count) you have finished reading?

Um. I’m not sure. It’s either Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix by J.K. Rowling or Inheritance by Christopher Paolini.

Image result for harry potter and the order of phoenix book

Is there a book you had to get your hands on against all odds (i.e. searching bookshops, online digging, etc)?

I guess I took a while to find When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon. It wasn’t really available in nearby book stores and too expensive online. I finally got it as a Free Read on RivetidLit as soon as I signed up!


A book you struggled to finish but refused to DNF?

American Gods by Neil Gaiman


I just couldn’t get myself to finish this one. I struggled to the end because of all the hype and still hated it. I have no idea why.

What are 3 of your main book goals for 2018?

Well, 2018 is nearly over. I did write a post about my 2018 Reading Resolutions back in January which you can check out here.

Have you ever had the privilege of converting someone into a reader (maybe via inspiration or incessant nagging)?

Maybe not into avid readers, but I have gotten a few friends to read a book after incessant nagging.

Describe what books mean to you in five words.

Joy, Haven, Magic, Wonder, Everything

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And that’s all for today! Hope you have a great day! Until next time –

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